Pulse Advertising

Director & Growth Lead China (Mandarin Speaking) Growth

Win and grow client relationships

  • PinShanghai
  • PinFull-time
  • Pin Permanent
  • PinExecutive (5-7 years)

Your tasks Task

  • Client Acquisition: Lead client pitches and presentations, showcasing the agency's strategic capabilities and in-depth understanding of client needs

  • Business Growth: Achieve revenue targets and expand the agency's client portfolio. Collaborate with internal teams to ensure successful project delivery and client satisfaction

  • Strategic Advisor: Serve as a strategic advisor to senior leadership, providing insights and recommendations to inform business strategy and decision-making

  • Team Collaboration: Work closely with cross-functional teams on a global leve. Provide valuable market insights to inform the agency's overall strategy

  • Performance Tracker: Establish and monitor KPIs and metrics to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the division

Your skills Skill

  • You possess 5+ years of agency experience winning clients and driving growth for them

  • You have proven ability to develop compelling client pitches and translate them into actionable strategies that deliver results

  • You boast excellent presentation and communication skills with the ability to captivate audiences and deliver complex messages clearly in Mandarin

  • You maintain a keen eye for industry trends and a commitment to staying ahead of the curve

  • You offer a collaborative spirit with a talent for fostering teamwork and knowledge sharing

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Pulse Perks

Benefici Pulse

  • Lavora da remoto da qualsiasi ufficio Pulse
  • Career development
  • Meeting
  • Opzioni di lavoro
    ibride e flessibili
  • Uffici ubicati nei
    centri città
  • Uffici
Unisciti al team

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About Pulse

Co-fondata da Lara Daniel e Chris Kastenholz nel 2014, Pulse Advertising è nata con una visione indirizzata a dare nuovo significato all'advertising. Da allora, siamo cresciuti fino a diventare un team di più di 100 professionisti in 7 uffici globali che seguono tutti la stessa visione.

Siamo una agenzia influencer marketing globale, che supportano brand per intercettare e fidelizzare clienti sui social media. Siamo thought leaders nel nostro campo e amiamo farci accompagnare nel viaggio da persone ambiziose e appassionate.

Come membri del Team Pulse, ci battiamo per le pari opportunità e siamo impegnati nella diversità dei nostri team indipendentemente dall'età, disabilità, razza, religione, nazionalità, orientamento sessuale, origine etnica o genere. Celebriamo le nostre differenze e siamo curiosi di imparare dagli altri, per rendere più coeso il nostro #PulseTeam.

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