Pulse Advertising

Internship Influencer Marketing

Plan and run influencer marketing campaigns

  • PinLondon
  • PinFull-time
  • Pin Intern
  • PinEntry-level (Lt-1 years)

Your tasks Task

  • You support the Influencer Marketing team from the development to the execution of our successful Influencer Marketing campaigns
  • You research and identify influencers based on various KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
  • You collaborate with the team to develop creative campaign ideas
  • You manage communication with influencers and independently create briefings

Your skills Skill

  • Driven. Passionate. Diverse. Equal. These are values you cherish
  • Previous internships or working student activities in PR, social media, digital marketing or a related field are an advantage
  • You are an absolute team player and distinguish yourself through your hands-on mentality
  • You take on new challenges with motivation and positivity 
  • You are fluent in English
Apply now
Pulse Perks


  • 在任意Pulse海外办公室工作
  • 职业发展培训
  • 职业发展培训
  • 灵活的工作时间和地点
  • 位于市中心的办公室
  • 欢迎带狗狗来工作

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Pulse Advertising 由 Lara Daniel 和 Chris Kastenholz 于 2014 年共同创立,其愿景是让广告变得有意义。 从那时起,我们已经发展成为一个由 100 多人组成的团队,分布在 7 个全球办公室——所有人都在追求同一个愿景。

我们是一家全球网红营销公司,帮助品牌在社交媒体上赢得并留住消费者。 我们是行业中的思想领袖,乐于将有野心、积极进取的个人带入我们的旅程。

作为雇主,我们主张平等,并致力于在我们的团队中实现多元化,无论年龄、生理、种族、宗教、国籍、性取向或性别。我们重视个性差异、相互学习,这让我们作为#PulseTeam 更加强大。

About Pulse