It’s all about that engagement!

The latest news from Google, Instagram and Reddit show that user engagement seems to be the trend of the week.

March 22, 2024

Google enhances business listings with social media updates

Google now allows businesses to showcase their social media prowess directly within their listings. By linking profiles from platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and more to the Google Business dashboard, companies can offer a more dynamic search presence, highlighting the significance of an integrated online identity.

Instagram tests extended Reels

Instagram is experimenting with allowing users to create Reels up to three minutes long, extending beyond the current 90-second limit. This move towards longer video content aims to provide creators with greater storytelling flexibility and aligns with the platform’s efforts to boost user engagement through more immersive content.

Reddit launches user-like free-form ads

Reddit’s new ‘free-form ads’ mimic the appearance of regular user posts, blending images, videos, and text in a format familiar to the platform’s users. Initial tests show these ads significantly increase engagement and click-through rates, offering marketers a novel way to integrate seamlessly into the Reddit community.